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You are an Ironman!

Laura Philipp is absolutely world class.

In just 8:34:57 hours, she races for her greatest dream and finally crosses the finish line. It's clear from her face that she can hardly believe it, as she later said herself. But then she hears the call. "You are an Ironman." The emotions are indescribable and overwhelming. Every participant yearns to hear this call, and when it finally happens, the feeling cannot be described. The hard training, the perseverance, the doubts before the race... all of a sudden, it's all worth it. Her first full distance race and it's a victory; that is truly world-class. But that's not all: she does it with one of the fastest times ever.

Overjoyed, Laura returned home and soon after reported on this dream victory at our booth at interbad 2018.

"Dear Laura, we are proud of you. That was a brilliant performance. The PowerSwim is ready for you as always. Keep it up. We are cheering for you!"

And at interbad 2018, everyone was able to see Laura in person.

Images: Marcel Hilger

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