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Three races, three victories - like Ospa, Laura Philipp is a class unto herself

Laura Philipp confirms her world class status.

The series continues into the third race. Laura is improving step by step in swimming, creating ever more successful starting positions at the end of the first discipline. Swim training with a counter-current system is paying off. On the bike, Laura showed once again that she is in a class unto herself in this discipline, making the run an apparent formality. Not at full throttle, but with the necessary respect for the length of the race, Laura completed the half marathon in the day's best time.

With every race, her performance is improving and with every race, Laura comes closer to her long distance debut in Frankfurt. Also of interest: the Mainova Expert Talk in Frankfurt with Laura and other experts.


Another fantastic victory in this new season.
Dear Laura, we are proud of you. Keep it up. The PowerSwim is ready for you as always. Keep it up. We are cheering for you!

Images: Marcel Hilger

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